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Let’s reflect on the impact businesses have on the environment and the measures we’re taking to minimise it. 

At Fountains Hotel, we are committed to incorporating sustainable practices into every aspect of our operations. From energy conservation to waste management, we strive to minimise our ecological footprint while providing exceptional service to our guests. Here is how we focus on Sustainability the Fountains Hotel Way:

Energy-saving light bulbs: 

We have transitioned to energy-saving lightbulbs throughout our premises. By using these bulbs, we reduce electricity consumption and lower our carbon footprint, contributing to a more sustainable environment.

Sustainability: The Fountains Hotel Way

Biodegradable and environmentally friendly cleaning products: 

All of the cleaning products that we use are biodegradable and environmentally friendly. By choosing these products, we cut back on harmful chemicals’ impact on the environment while maintaining a clean and healthy atmosphere for our guests and staff.

Sustainability: The Fountains Hotel Way

Local coffee beans: 

Supporting local businesses and reducing carbon emissions associated with transportation are integral parts of our sustainability efforts. That’s why we source our coffee beans locally, ensuring freshness while reducing our ecological impact.

Sustainability: The Fountains Hotel Way

Day and night switches for outdoor lights: 

Our commitment to energy conservation extends beyond indoor spaces. By installing day and night switches for outdoor lights, we lessen unnecessary energy consumption, contributing to a more sustainable approach to lighting our premises.

Sustainability: The Fountains Hotel Way

Aerated taps to reduce water usage: 

Water conservation is paramount. Our taps are equipped with aerators to reduce water usage without compromising functionality, allowing us to conserve this precious resource while maintaining guest satisfaction.

Sustainability: The Fountains Hotel Way

Recycling paper, glass, and washable napkins: 

We recycle paper and glass, diverting these materials from landfills and giving them new life. Additionally, our use of washable napkins reduces single-use waste, further decreasing our environmental impact.

At Fountains Hotel, we recognise our responsibility to protect the planet for future generations. Through these sustainable practices and ongoing initiatives, we are dedicated to making a positive difference in the environment while providing memorable experiences for our guests. 

Join us in our commitment to sustainability today and every day.

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